Historical Violation Imports
by Daniel Westendorf
You can bulk-import violations if you have prior violation history for properties that you'd like to be in HOALife. This processes requires highly structured and accurate data. If you're only importing a handful of historical violations, we strongly suggest you do not use this method -- see Add an out-of-inspection violation to a property instead.
Compiling your data
To get started, compile the list of violations you'd like to import in your spreadsheet application (Excel, Pages.app, Google Sheets, etc.). You will need to then adapt each row to match the required property_id
, ccr_article
, violation_type
, and violation_date
, with an optional comment
column. The property_id
must match the HOALife Property ID (or in some cases the external property identifier provided by your accounting system, contact support@hoalife.com for verification), while the ccr_article
and violation_type
values must exactly match the titles of the CC&R and Violation Type.
Find an example CSV here.
The first row must be the header row, with subsequent rows containing violation data. The file must be saved as a CSV. The header rows must match the example CSV exactly, including letter case and underscores. The violation_date
column must be formatted as DD/MM/YYYY.
Importing your CSV
Switch to the relevant association, navigate to Violations, and select Import Violations. Select your CSV file and click Import to start the process.
Your CSV will be analyzed and validated for format and accuracy. If there are any errors in your CSV file, they'll be highlighted (including the row containing the invalid data) and the import will be halted. 100% of the data must be valid for any of your violations to be imported. There is no harm in re-attempting the import multiple times to highlight invalid data.
If your data is valid, the import will begin generating HOALife violations. This process may take some time depending on the number of violations you'll be importing.