Bulk Email Conversations
by Daniel Westendorf
Bulk Email Conversations
Bulk Email Conversations are two-way email communications within the HOALife dashboard sent on your behalf. These conversations are a way to handle out-of-cycle communication with property owners which may not fit into an existing process.
These emails are sent from the HOALife system with a special email address that directs replies back to HOALife where they will be displayed.
Bulk Email Conversations allow you to send customized messages to many properties at once, each creating their own individual email conversation. Receipients will not be able to see other recipients nor will they be able to see the replies of others.
Bulk Email Conversations create many Property Conversations as output.
- Properties > Communications > Email Conversations. Click New Email Conversation.
- Enter the subject and body of the email. Rich text and attachments are supported. Images will be displayed inline. Create a personal feel by utilizing Dynamic Variables.
- Click Save.
- Optionally, filter the Properties you'd like to send the Conversation to.
- Deliver the Email Conversation.