Violation Notice Deliveries
by Daniel Westendorf
HOALife provides a few facilities to help you keep track of which Violation Notices have been sent to the property owners. This opt-in feature supports the following methods of Violation Notice Delivery:
- Manual - You print and mail the Violation Notices yourself.
- No Touch Mailing - Our 3rd party provider prints and mails the Violation Notices for you.
- Email - Violation Notices are emailed through the HOALife system.
Contact to have the desired Violation Notice Delivery method(s) enabled.
Violation Notice Delivery Status
It is possible to see which violations have not been sent to the property owner, those which have not been delivered.
Inspection Violation Notice Delivery Status

Individual Violation Notice Delivery Status

Mark an Inspection as Delivered
Select the Inspection you'd like to deliver all Violation Notices for. Click on the Violation Notices drop down, and select Deliver Violation Notices or Mark as Delivered (if only manual deliveries are enabled). This will create a delivery for all violations entered in during the Inspection.

Mark an Individual Violation as Delivered
Select the Violation you want to deliver. Click on the Violation Notice drop down, and select Deliver Violation Notice or Mark as Delivered (if only manual deliveries are enabled). This will create only one delivery for the selected violation.